House of Libra

44. 21 ways to prepare for your dream partner

December 20, 2021 Molly Meek

We all love love.
We are all craving to be loved.
We all want that fairy tale ending & due to societal beliefs, upbringings, and old relationship patterns you may be stuck in a loop of toxic situations or single sally syndrome.

Kayla (@kaylaelouise)  joins Molly(@mollysnotmeek) in the last episode of 2021 episode to uncover 21 ways to prepare for your dream partner. Because it really is about preparation not waiting.

Below are the steps, in no particular order- expect # 1 but turn up the volume, put your headphones in and listen to why we think these 21 things are important to do before you get whisked away into the sunset.

Also linked below is more info on our "Who is she?" Retreat we are hosting in January 2022

21 ways to prepare for your dream partner

1.Get over your ex

2.Be intentionally single for awhile
Spend at least a few months with yourself/not looking/delete dating apps 

3.Heal your daddy issues + mommy wounds

4.Learn how to be alone with yourself

5.Recognize your avoidance patterns

6.Connect with your body + sexual pleasure

7.Deepen trust in yourself

8.Recognize your own toxic traits

9.Reflect on the patterns of yours which created
your previous experiences with relationships

10.Decide on your purpose

11.Get clear on the type of partner who would be supportive to who you’re here to be

12.Practice healthy communication with others

13.Take at least one trip alone

14.Pay off debts + learn to manage your money

15.Create sustainable income

16.Regulate your nervous system

17.Clean out your closets/life

18.Learn to see people for who they’re being, not their potential

19.Commit to setting intentions with potential partners from the beginning;
what do you each want

20.Be willing to have uncomfortable conversations 

21.Believe you can have it

See you online ! @themollymeek